Brandy Julias Mommy | Merry Christmas | December 18, 2007 |
William's Mom, Gail | It's Christmas again | December 9, 2007 |
Dear Craig, Lynda, and Sweet children,
Another Christmas is upon us without Garion and William being right here with us. I know we both share so many great memories of them and that is what we must hold on to. God never promised a perfect life for us. He did promise that He'd remain true to us through all the ups and downs in life. Right after William left us, I wondered ," Where is my God? " I hurt so badly deep in my gut that I thought I'd never breathe correctly again. I really thought that I must GO with William then too. I pray that your family is beginning to feel some hope for the future now. God is the only one that can extend that hope to us. Randall and I feel it. We have grasped on to it as tightly as possible. Sure, we still have our sad sad days of missing
William ~ who was the life of our lives. His sister, Karen and brother in law, Adam miss him so very much too. We love them as much so we must continue life.
I pray that the days ahead will be as smooth as possible for your family. I know deep in my heart that Garion and William are enjoying such a perfect loving place that is just too awesome for us to imagine at this point. We are trying our best to do God's Will here on this earth and one day we will be united again.
We love ya'll and will be thinking of you and praying for your strength always.
Gail and Randall
God is with Garion and William forever!
Ruby | bruce.last-memories.com | October 8, 2007 |
I am so sorry for your loss. I can only imagine what it is like to lose a child, something I would never wish upon anyone in the world.
I do know what it is like to have someone ripped from your life way to soon....and struggle to deal with the loss. After more than 2 years I am still struggling to deal with the murder of my husband.
Never forget the details of their life, good , bad, sad, angry, happy, they are all precious memories that you have to treasure forever.
God Bless, Ruby
Lisa Houston | Angel Michael's Mother | October 3, 2007 |
I am so sorry you are having to experience the same pain I have every day. Your son, Garion has such a beautiful smile and I'm sure brought sunshine to your world. I thank you for lighting a candle in memory of my son, Michael. I still can't believe he has been gone for 5 years. He loved to play baseball and I'm sure he and Garion are playing ball together everyday. We as mothers, are very blessed to of had them with us, if only for such a short time. Michael always carried a verse in his wallet which read, May the Lord watch between me and thee, while we are absent one from the other and now his dad carries his wallet in his pocket everyday. I will always keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers and I will never forget you or your son, Garion. Remember life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments taht take our breath away
Lisa Houston
Winston-Salem NC
Debi Collins | Angel Andrew's Mom | October 1, 2007 |
Debi | Mom to Angel Andrew | August 26, 2007 |
What a handsome young man Garion is! I'm not sure why it was time for God to take his hand, but I do know the pain and disbelief of it all. Our son, Andrew, died on July 16th, 2005 secondary to blunt force trauma to the brain. He was involved in an automobile accident on July 12th, 2005. (Andrew was 18 years old.) To this day, I find it so hard to believe that Andrew is gone, yet I know that he's a handsome Angel who will never suffer again. Perhaps he's tossing a baseball to Garion. Andrew was awesome at every sport, but he excelled at baseball.
I pray that each day will continue to create a less difficult transition for you as your family continues to move forward, minus a part of who you all once represented. Garion may not be there physically, but he's there, watching each of you and sending you hugs and kisses. Be Blessed...Debi Please feel free to visit Andrew's site. htttp://www.andrew-collins.last-memories.com
Forever Your Mommy | I Love You | August 26, 2007 |
My Dearest Garion,
It has been 2 years since I watched you grow your wings. There is so much sadness in my heart as I miss you so terribly much each and every day. But there are also many smiles in my life as I think of all the love you given me. I am having to learn to live with my new life. My life will never be the same as what it was...it will always be different. I hope you are proud of me. I try every day to keep moving forward. Your Daddy, Sissy, and Brother give me a reason to put one foot in front of the other. It is hard, but I have and will continue to do that with them. We talk about you so often, sharing our memories. Thank you for 10 wonderful years of memories son. I love you with all of my heart and some!
Love Always,
Jane, Mom to Scott Matthew Hil | Thank you Garion | August 22, 2007 |
Sweet Garion,
I feel like our angels now belong to all of us. Your new memory site is beautiful and will be even more so when mom has the time to develop it as she did the other one.
I am such good friends with your mom, and I know you know how much she loves you now and forever. Her heart is with you, wherever you are until the end of time.
Someday we will share heaven with you and you can show us around and introduce us to everyone. I hope your days are filled with love, health and happiness. All the stress of this world is not part of your life anymore........
I'm so very sorry I didn't get to know you and give you hugs while you were here, but know that I send you and your mom love and prayers every day.
I'll be back again, until then dear Garion, I'll light a candle in loving memory of you.