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Forever Your Mommy
I love you Garion. Thank you so much for sending me such beautiful friends at just the right moments. Hugs and kisses xoxoxoxo
Tonya~Mommy to Jaydon & Jordan
I hold your memory forever in my heart sweet Garion. Be near your family always, they love and miss you so very much. XOXOXOXO
Cindy~B.J.,Wayne & Bucks Mama
One day closer to being with our boys again. Oh I can't wait! Sending you hugs.
Barbara~Mom to Michael Butler
Goodnight sweet Angel,shine down brightly on your family.Sending you hugs and kisses.
Forever Your Mommy
Garion, your sissy has her best friends over they are playing outside. It reminds me of you, Tyler, & Dylan playing everyday.
Forever Your Mommy
Another day gone and I can only miss you more and more. It feels like forever and I long to be with you again son. I love you! xox
Forever Your Mommy
Goodnight buddy. I surely do hope I dream about you. I love you so much and miss you more than anyone could ever know. xoxoxoxoxox
Tonya~Mommy to Jaydon & Jordan
Have a wonderful day in Heaven's gardens.Soar above the clouds shining down on your family sending them many hugs & kisses
Bonnie...Angel Bubba's Mom
Sending up my love and prayers to Our Precious Angel Garion.Stay close to Mom,let her know U R with her always.My love to U Lynda
Precious Garion, sending love & hugs 4 u & ur family always, Maria. xxxxxxxx (((Lynda)))
Forever Your Mommy
Thinking of you lots and lots. I love you and miss you. Shine down brightly on us with lots of hugs and kisses. xoxoxoxoxo
William's Mom
We love you and miss you so very much. Have a great evening with God. I know you will. Love, Gail
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