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Forever Your Mommy
Happy Holloween buddy! I love & miss you so much...it just isn't the same anymore without you. Hugs and kisses xoxoxo
Forever Your Mommy
Thinking about you right now and how I would do anything to have you here with us. We miss and love you so much!!! xoxoxoxo
Forever Your Mommy
Did you hear me tell you i love you over & over again on the volcano? i sure did, and i meant it! i love you & miss you!!!
Tonya~Mommy to Jaydon & Jordan
Sweet Garion, your memory is forever in my heart. Stay close to your family, they love and miss you so much. Sending u many hugs..
Aunt Jane, who loves U Garion
Sweet Garion, your memory is sweet but losing you is so bitter. We grieve with mom & dad and send prayers & love for them.
Forever Your Mommy
2morrow we will go to your favorite place for the 1st time without you, Kings Dominion. We miss you & want you with us! xoxoxo
Susan~Clint's Mom
Hi sweetheart, stopping by to say hello and see your sweet, smiling face!
Forever Your Mommy
Garion, your lil bro is 7!!! I remember when you were 7, and he reminds me so much of you. I love you and miss you every day xoxox
Garion, for my lil brother
Happy Birthday Rylon! I may be in heaven but I love you and am so proud of my 7 year old 'lil bro. Keep on doing your best xox
Forever Your Mommy
Garion, lean down & give your lil bro birthday kisses for in the morning. He takes care of your things. He luvs & misses U
Forever Your Mommy
I love you buddy so very much and I look forward to our family being together again, in heaven, with Jesus! I miss you xoxoxoxo
Gail Wheless
Thinking of U all. May God continue to show us the way to cope. We miss u and William.
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