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Adrienne Kleeman
You story has touch my heart. I pray that God's love holds you. I can't wait to meet Garion in heaven.
Forever Your Mommy
Loving you so much and thinking about you all of the time. Hugs and kisses buddy xoxoxo
Tanya~Mommy to Angel Naudya Jo
Garion, your mommy loves you and misses you so much, shine down on her, and send her angel kisses. ur mommy is an amazing person
Barbara~mom to Michael Butler
Garion,you will forever be in my heart sweet Angel.xoxoxox
Forever Your Mommy
I love you with every beat of my heart son. Sending you good night hugs and kisses. Love you bunches and miss you like crazy! xoxo
Forever Your Mommy
Garion, Pop-pop & Grandma Karen are coming to visit us. I know how much you love them and we do too. We all love you also! xox
Susan~Clint's Mom
Hi sweetheart. Thinking about you and your precious family tonight with love. God bless and keep you all.
Bonnie...Angel Bubba's Mom
Hello sweet Angel Garion,Keeping you in my heart and prayers.You will always be loved and remembered by so many.My love to U Lynda
Tonya~Mommy to Jaydon & Jordan
Precious Garion, shine down on your Mommy. She loves and misses you so much. I hold your memory forever in my heart. I love you...
Forever Your Mommy
Goodnight sweetness. We love you and miss you so much! Watch over Sissy while she is out of town xoxoxoxo
Cindy~B.J.,Wayne & Bucks Mama
Hey 'lil guy, may special memories of you rest gently in the hearts that love and miss you so much.
Forever Your Mommy
Watch over Tyler hun, he got hurt 2night but will be ok. Send him extra buddy hugs. Thank U for sending me friends when I am weak.
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