682347 Criar Memorial
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História de vida
Abril 24, 1995
After 12 1/2 hours of pricless labor pains Garion Tyler Hight entered our lives on April 24, 1995 weighing 7 lbs 8 oz and 21 inches, perfect and healthy. He looked just like his father (acted like him too!) Garion was our first of 3 precious children.
Outubro 10, 1998
Garion had a sister, Calyn, whom he continues to love and protect from heaven.
Outubro 25, 2000
Garion had a brother, Rylon, whom he continues to love from heaven. Garion taught Rylon everything there was to being a little boy.
Março 20, 2002

Garion wrote out the following questions and took them to our pastor before he asked Jesus into his heart. He is now living in his forever home with Jesus.



1. Why did  Jesus die on the cross to take away our sins?

2. How do I  become a Christian?

3. How do I  become a member of this church?

4. Why do we all not go to heaven?

5. How to be baptized?

6. Why do we get baptized?

7. What do Christians do?

8. What is a sin?

9. If I sin can I still go to heaven if I am a Christian?

10. Why can’t we see Jesus?

11. How does Jesus talk to us?

12. Will he take care of my Grandfather?

13. Why do people go in front of the church after they get saved?

14.  Do I have to go in front of the church when I am saved?

15. Will I feel different when Jesus is in my heart?

Novembro 15, 2004

2004, A story Garion wrote when he was 8 years old.


The Life of Mr.Gragoon

 By: Garion Hight

Back in 1004 was the birth of a man, or mutated flying donkey. (Or what ever he is.) In a very deep jungle in Zambia a dragon mom and donkey dad gave birth to Mr.Gragoon. A few years later he grew bored and had no friends.

When he grew up he was in the Civil War, Revolutionary War, World War I, and World War II.

In 1554 he was 550 he had no family and he hadn't gotten married yet. By now most people thought he was immortal. (And hopeless.)

About 5 years later he finally got married right when he thought everything was down. His world, which was up side down, is now right side up. In 2004 he is 1000 years old. Mostly everybody thought he was invincible by now. He is now the oldest thing. He is known all over the world for the records he broke. He is happier. His family is living in the cave he was born in.

This is how he met his wife. Mr. Gragoon now fought like 20 men. He had freed some women. One of the women happened to be one of the princess’ helpers. So when she got home she told the princess about the fight and the handsome thing.

Mr. Gragoon was riding his horse down the Mediterranean Sea. Then all of a sudden another rider came up. He wasn't about to let a challenge pass. They kept neck to neck. Then suddenly the two horses collapsed. Then this was love at first sight. Back then it was hard because the princess had also promised her heart to a sheik. When the sheik heard this he hired some assassins to kill Mr. Gragoon. But no one had succeeded, and that is how they met.

She lived just like he did, long. The last I heard they were 1,050 years old. The story doesn't end with them dyeing, for all we know they are still living in the same cave.


Agosto 13, 2005

While on vacation in Ackerman Mississippi, Garion Tyler Hight rested peacfully in our arms while he entered the loving arms of Jesus Christ during a sudden accident on August 13, 2005 at 2:00pm

Garion was involved in an ATV accident while we were on vacation, visiting family. He WAS wearing his helmet. Behind a newly built shed at his great-granparents house was a temporary retaining wall that was normally blocked by a work truck. We just came in from riding and a few of us were preparing to head back out. Craig asked me if I wanted to drive Garion's ATV for a change of pace. Garion looked at me with those bright blue eyes and I smiled at him and said no. Garion then smiled back at me for the last time. He then looked at his daddy and asked if he could go over to where his great-grandparents were in the yard while he waited for us. Craig said yes. He followed the path the truck had made heading around the shed. 4 seconds later, not even out of first gear, he went over the 3 ft. retaining wall. It was approx. 1 ft. behind the shed, not enough time for Garion to see it and stop. I heard an aweful noise and ran towards Garion. I saw him laying under the ATV. His daddy and grandpa threw the ATV off of him and his grandma called 911. Calyn and Rylon were also there, and this has been so hard on them to have seen. I remember every detail of what I saw and what I heard. We talked to Garion telling him to stay strong, help was coming, and that we love him. There was a moment I had to look away, because I thought if I didn't see him laying there none of this would be real. I wanted so badly to die, and I thought I was. I watched my son take his last breath and it didn't matter what we or the paramedics did (we all tried EVERYTHING). The moment Garion was face to face with God, he wasn't going to want to come back home. He was home!
Garion died from cerebral head trauma, even though he was wearing a helmet. The back bar of the ATV hit the edge of his helmet, the weakest point, when it came down. His helmet couldn't sustain the impact. Even when you follow "the rules" accidents happen.

I love you Garion, and I am so sorry I couldn't stop this from happening. I would have given my life for yours in a heartbeat. I will be with you again, and it will then be forever. Until then, I will miss you like crazy.


We were on vacation.

It was filled with family fun.
Garion couldn’t wait to come home
and brag about what he had done.
The Lord had other plans,
And though it is hard for me to accept,
But you went to be with Jesus
And in my heart you will always be kept.
Only 4 seconds after seeing your smile,
there was an accident.
It all happened so fast.
Daddy crying, holding you,
your Sister scarred and looking on,
Pap-pap yelled for help,
While Grandma Karen called 911.
Pop-pop used his strength and he tried to hold me up,
but all I could do was beg and plead
For the Lord to wake me up.
This couldn’t be happening,
it just wasn’t fair.
This was not your fault;
it shouldn’t have been you lying there.
Time stood still.

My heart was broken.
Tears filled my world.
I had nowhere to run.
That is when I realized
my worst nightmare had just begun.
I held you later that day.
You were in heaven,

but still I prayed,
"Lord give me another chance,
I wasn’t finished raising him, you’ll see.
I love this child with all my heart.
Please don't do this to me!"
I play this day over and over,
seeing you, hearing you,
No matter what I did;
it hurts to know that I couldn't protect you.
A few days later they allowed me to hold you again.
I sang our lullaby in your ear,
I couldn’t say goodbye,
Praying for a miracle
Wanting to see you open your eyes.
Mommy couldn’t give up hope
you were my child.
I love you with all my heart,
And I thought I would have you for a long, long while.
I cut your hair;
I needed a piece of you with me.
I kissed your boo-boos,
and your lips;
that will now have to last me
For what seems like an eternity.
I carried you home,
13 hours of driving.
Seeing your family and friends,
and having to say, "I am so sorry".
I begged the Lord again,
to give us all one last chance.
3 months have past son,
and it still doesn't seem real.
I hold your angel dust often,
And pray, asking God "WHY?"
He won't answer me;
Because He knows I wouldn't understand.
To me, nothing could be worth this pain
that I am living in.
Though it has been a struggle,
I have to trust in the Lord
And continue to fight to hold His hand.
He is the only person that can help me now,
As you, my Garion, walk through the promise land.
I love to hear stories,
and I often talk of you.
My life is incomplete,
and it has been so hard for me to continue.
Happy memories, and honoring you,
that is what, has helped pull me through.
Your Sister & Brother have gone back to school;
we have to drive by the ball field
you used to love playing on.
I can only weep,
and miss you, my oldest son.
Your school had mini-awards day.
This was the first time I wouldn’t hear your name.
Mommy had to pull it together,
because I know you would want me to be there
for your little brother and sister.
I hear the children outside playing
And I listen for your voice.
But nothing seems to be working
Because loosing you was not a choice.
We don’t have a reason to go to Cub Scout meetings.
Gold Rush was something you loved to do.
Instead that day I cried,
and thought of how I only wanted to be with you.
The top bunk remains empty,
as I tuck your brother and sister into bed.
I whisper, “I love you”
And imagine what might of or could have been.
Eating has become a chore,
It was something you loved to do.
Ice cream sandwiches,
Peanut butter pie,
Oh how I miss cooking for you!
Your chair at the table is still empty,
this is torture to my soul,
“What am I supposed to do Lord?
You’re the only one that can fix it all!”
Seeing families happy,
Celebrating the upcoming holidays.
We are reminded again
of how we miss you,
and how our lives will be forever changed,
in so many ways.
The days are getting colder;
the snow will be coming soon.
How will we have a snowball fight?
Without crying out for you.
People ask me how I am doing,
and I always say that I am fine.
They couldn't handle the truth,
but I really feel like I am dyeing.
My days are filled with tears,
and how I long to hold you again.
I feel like no one really understands,

this pain I am living in.

Agosto 20, 2005

This is the day we had Garion's funeral. One of hardest days of our lives. I have written below something Garion continues to want you to know:

God loves you!  

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)

Our sins separate us from God!
“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23)
“But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.” (Romans 5:8)

We must turn to God for forgiveness!
“Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord” (Acts 3:19)

You must receive Jesus!
“Yet to all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God.” (John 1:12)
“that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.” (John 3:15)

To receive Jesus we must totally surrender to Him!
“Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” (Romans 10:13)

Garion asked Jesus into his heart and is now in heaven continuing to witness what is real!

God loves you!                                                                            


Setembro 18, 2005

A special day that your best friends put together to celebrate your life. Mrs. Kim, Mrs. Tammy, & Mrs. Teri poured their love for you into honoring you in the most special way. Thank you everyone for loving our son, Garion, with all your hearts! This really meant so much to us, and it makes us smile to hear the stories everyone shared with us.

Novembro 21, 2005
November 21, 2005 American Red Cross Blood Drive in memory of Garion Hight 4:00pm - 8:00pm at Parkwood Baptist Missionary Church, Rocky Mount, North Carolina. 
What This Blood Drive Means To Garion's Family
Garion loved people, he would have wanted to help someone.
Since he was not a candidate for organ donation,
this blood drive is giving Garion that chance to
help another life, it is an answer to prayer!
We are so honored that our church and the American Red
Cross would give Garion back this opportunity.
Thank you so much to everyone that will come out and give,
Parkwood Baptist Church, and to the American Red Cross.
This means so much to us!
We would also like to thank the Whitley's for all their hard work, and thank you Mrs. Kim for helping us with the fliers, we love you all!
Dezembro 25, 2005
Our first Christmas is here.  Three stockings were unpacked. Tears fell.  The thought of one hanging empty is unbearable, of it not hanging at all unthinkable.  In our need and desire to honor Garion and include him as much as possible we, as a family, are going to write down happy memories, draw pictures, and/or make something that reflects what we each knew Garion loved and place them in his stocking.  On Christmas night we will gather to open his stocking, and we are going to smile.  If YOU would like to place something in his stocking for us, please do.  It would mean so much to read or see how you remember Garion.  You can mail it to us in c/o Garion Hight or stop by and place it in his stocking yourself.  We would love for you to share pictures or anything else. They will be treasured forever!
We are also selecting a 10 year old boy off an Angel Tree and signing the gifts “from Garion.”  Not only will we be helping another child, we will get to pick out something Garion would have liked, and also share with that child/family the real meaning of Christmas, a book on Jesus birth. After all that is the greatest gift! 
We encourage you, beg you, to share the real meaning of Christmas with a child this Christmas.  This may be their last.
Lastly, Garion LOVED to read! We are collecting new and used children books to donate to the local library. We will put a sticker on the inside cover "In Memory of Garion Hight". 
Thank you again to everyone that has prayed for, and encouraged us. We love you all!