My name is Garion and I was born on April 24, 1995. I love God, my family, and I cherish my friends. My family & friends would tell me that I am full of useless information. I had a passion for reading and I loved to make people laugh. I played T-Ball, Little League Baseball, Upwards Basketball, and I participated in the Jump Rope For Heart, in memory of my grandfathers. I was also very active in Cub Scouts (Tiger Cub-Weeblos 2, Eagle Scouts being my goal!) Mrs. Kim was my den leader for almost 5 years and my father was my Cub Master for the 2004-2005 school year. I participated in the Junior Historian club and I was accepted into the Duke TIP program. Phew, I was busy in my 10 years! In my free time I enjoyed video games, bikes, golfing, skateboarding, fishing, and swimming. On the weekends you would also find me pulling all nighters with my best friends Tyler, Dylan, and Matthew...or pulling pranks on my favorite sister, Calyn, and my favorite little brother, Rylon. I would also get my fair share in on my Aunt, Leslie. I was truly blessed with a wonderful life. At 7 years of age I accepted Jesus into my heart and on Augsut 13, 2005 God spared me from physical pain. I want to tell my family and all of my friends that I am so proud of each of you. And that we will see each other again, in this awesome place I now call home. I love you.
With my Angel Families support, I was able to finally post what had happened to Garion under his "Life story" (link on left) on August 13, 2005.

We have been touched by so many people. Words alone can not express how thankful we are for the amount of love being poured out on us. Thank you so much for allowing God to use you to give us exactly what we needed when we needed it! Please continue to pray for us. We would also like for you to take a moment and enjoy pictures of the greatest gift we can share back with you, our children. THANK YOU!
The Family of Garion Hight

Thank you for allowing me to share my precious son and his family with you. Whether you are passing through or a loved one of Garion's, we would love for you to light a candle and write a tribute that we will keep forever (write and light however often). If Garion has touched your life, have a special memory to share, please share that with us. If anyone has pictures, video, anything of Garion please contact us . I will continue to add to Garion's site, so please visit again.

We are continuing to collect new and used books to donate to our local library in memory of Garion. Garion's enthusiasm for reading was contagious to his family & peers. Thank you for helping us to honor Garion and give to other children.

While I share the pain
of my broken heart,
know that it is my very own.
To my knees it has brought me,
when I am sitting here all alone.
I don't expect people to know,
or even try to understand.
Just encourage me to talk about it,
as often as I possibly can.
I ask not to be
judged nor questioned,
on how or when
I should talk about these things.
Just be thankful I am here,
to share with you,
after I watched my child
grow his own special wings.
-Lynda Hight

We Are Proud
Of Our BIG Brother