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Clores~Isabella Carvalho's Mom
Good morning sweet child,thinking of you and your wonderful mommy,stay close to her,she loves and misses you so much.God bless
Forever Your Mommy
Goodnight my precious son. I love you with all of my heart and soul. I want so badly to wrap my arms around you & hug you!!!!
Susan~Clint's Mom
Hi precious, I know you and Clint are angel friends. He's an April baby and August angel too. Sending you big hugs!
Dessa Smith
Hello precious I keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers with love. Joseph's mom
Forever your Daddy & Mommy
Goodnight buddy. Daddy & Mommy love you so much! Hugs & Kisses xxxxoooo
Cindy~B.J.,Wayne & Bucks Mama
Hey little man, just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you and sending your Mom a hug.
Clores~Isabella Carvalho's Mom
G'night sweet child,sleep in heavenly peace,send to your lovely mom alots of kisses from heaven she loves & Misses you
Forever Your Mommy
Another day and I am missing your more and more. I love you so much Garion...I can't seem to say it enough, I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!
Forever Your Mommy
Please surround yourself and your love around one of your dearest friends "M". Tell her I love and miss her. I love you!
Barbara~Mom to Michael Butler
Goodnight sweet Garion,Send your Mom lots of Hugs and Kisses,she misses you so.
Jane,Mom to Scott Matthew Hill
Fly free sweet Garion and sometimes stop to plant a gentle kiss on mom as she sleeps. God Bless you always.
Forever Your Mommy
Homesick...This song says it all buddy. I love and miss you with every beat of my heart!
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